Question: Why there is for example “fantasy” prefix in the animation name “fantasy@stunned.FBX”? Does this mean that I can only use these animations with Fantasy pack characters?
Answer: All animations are compatible with every chracter because all Supercyan Character Pack characters have same rig (“skeleton structure”). The fantasy prefix in this example merely points to the asset pack where the animation is firstly introduced. Also the prefix hints to the theme what the animation could be about.
Question : Why FBX files have @ seperation in the naming?
Answer: The @ is for the Unitys suggested naming scheme to support multiple animations without always importing the mesh model with the animation file.
Question : Why there are so many “aim” animations in the character animations?
Answer: There are so many aiming animations because we wanted to support up and down looking while using guns in many standing positions. These animations can be used for example in third person games. Without aiming animations the caracters would not be able so smoothly look around.
Question: What “withWeapon” suffix means in .FBX namings? In the animations the character is not holding a weapon.
Answer: Animations with “withWeapon” suffix have “fixed” or “stiff” spine so when the character aims up or down there would not be “wobbling” while attacking or moving.
Here is the complete list of all animations that come with every Supercyan Character Pack.
Totally there 311 animations or poses in the Character Pack animation library.
Latest new animations added in September 2021 (Hospital themed):
•Temperature check with infrared thermometer
•Surgery with scalpel (loopable part in it)
•Prick with a syringe
•Checking information from a clipboard
Animation name
.FBX / .anim name | Detailed description |
Gestures/poses | ||
Wave | common_people@wave.FBX | Character waves happily |
Victory gesture | common_people@victory.FBX | Character raises two fists in the air and finishes with punch |
Dance | common_people@dance.FBX | Character dances sidesteps rhytmically with finger swinging |
"Yes!" nodding | common_people@yes-gesture.FBX | Character nods approvingly |
Shrug | common_people@shrug.FBX | Character shrugs |
"No." head shake | common_people@no-gesture.FBX | Character shakes head in denial |
Losing gesture | common_people@lose1.FBX | Character hunkers in depression and shakes head |
Losing gesture | common_people@lose2.FBX | Character hunkers in depression and kicks air |
Stunning hit | fantasy@stunned_hit.FBX | Character gets heavy hit and gets to a stunned state |
Stunned loop | fantasy@stunned.FBX | Character is in a stunned loop while standing (loop-able) |
Wake up from stun | fantasy@stunned_wakeup.FBX | Character wakes up from stunned state while standing |
Calibration pose | common_people@t-pose.FBX | Character in calibration "T pose" |
Interactions | ||
Button press | common_people@buttonpress.FBX | Character presses a button on a wall |
Conversation | common_people@conversation.FBX | Character have a conversation (loop-able) |
Pick up | common_people@pickup-fast.FBX | Character picks an object very fast |
Pick up | common_people@pickup.FBX | Character picks an object casually |
Throw | common_people@throw.FBX | Character throws an object |
Drinking | itempack@drinking_from_cup.FBX | Character takes a good sip from a coffee cup |
Hop to sit | housepack@sit.FBX | Character hops on something to sit |
Sitting | housepack@sit_idle1.FBX | Character sits and idle |
Conversation while sitting | office@conversationWhileSittingLoopable.FBX | Character have a conversation while sitting (loop-able) |
Agreeing to statement | office@agreeingToStatementWhileSittingLoopable.FBX | Agreeing to statement while sitting | Sitting and talking | housepack@talking_while_sitting.FBX | Character talks while sitting |
Starting to type while sitting | housepack@starting_to_type.FBX | Character starts to type while sitting |
Typing while sitting | housepack@typing.FBX | Character types while sitting |
Stop typing and just sit | housepack@from_typing_to_sit.FBX | Character stops typing and just sits |
Standing up from sit | housepack@stand_up.FBX | Character stands up |
Going to sleep from sitting | housepack@from_sit_to_sleep.FBX | Character goes to sleep after sitting |
Sleeping | housepack@sleep_idle_1.FBX | Character sleeps on back |
Wake up from sleep and sit | housepack@wake_up_to_sit.FBX | Character wakes up from sleep |
Taking item from pocket | itempack@take_item_from_pocket.FBX | Character takes item from the pocket with right hand |
Putting item back to pocket | itempack@put_item_back_to_pocket.FBX | Character puts an item to trouser pocket with right hand |
Putting item down | itempack@put_item_down.FBX | A standing character puts an item on the floor |
Putting item back to pocket
itempack@put_item_back_to_pocket.FBX | Character puts an item to trouser pocket with right hand |
Putting item down | itempack@put_item_down.FBX | A standing character puts an item on the floor |
Taking item from pocket | itempack@take_item_from_pocket.FBX | Character takes item from the pocket with right hand |
Going to tap with mobile phone | office@goingToTapMobilephone.FBX | Character going to use a mobile phone |
Tapping mobile phone | office@tappingWithMobilephoneLoopable.FBX | Character tapping with a mobile phone (loop-able) |
Going to send text message | office@goingToTextWithMobilephone.FBX | Character going to write a text message |
Texting with mobile phone | office@TextingWithMobilephoneLoopable.FBX | Character is texting with mobile phone (loop-able) |
Going to answer a call | office@answeringToMobilephone.FBX | Character going to answer a mobile call |
Having a call | office@talkingToMobilephone.FBX | Character talking in a mobile phone call |
Playing with mobile phone | office@playingWithMobilephoneLoopable1060-1305.FBX | Character playing a mobile game (loop-able) |
Close a call | office@closeMobilephoneCall.FBX | Character closes a mobile call |
Back to normal from using a mobile | office@backToStandingFromUsingMobilephone.FBX | Character goes back to stand from using mobile phone |
White board preparation pose | office@goingToPresentStand.FBX | Character stands to present on a white board |
White board presentation | office@presentationLoopable.FBX | Character is having a presentation on white board |
White board writing | office@writingToWhiteboard.FBX | Character is writing on a white board |
Scanning items on counter | retail_shop_workers_checkoutCounter_itemScan.fbx | Worker scanning itmes in counter (loop-able) |
Putting items on counter | retail_shop_workers_putting_items_on_counter_from_knees.fbx | Customer putting items on counter from knees (loop-able) |
Putting items on counter | retail_shop_workers_putting_items_on_counter_while_standing.fbx | Customer putting items on counter (loop-able) |
Start cleaning table with sponge | cleaners@startCleaningTableWithSponge.fbx | Cleaner start cleaning table with a sponge |
Cleaning table with sponge | cleaners@cleaningTableWithSponge.fbx | Cleaner cleaning table with sponge (loopable) |
Stop cleaning table with sponge | cleaners@stopCleaningTableWithSponge.fbx | Cleaner stops cleaning table with sponge |
Idle animation with broom | cleaners@idleWithBroom.fbx | Cleaner idling with a broom in hand(loop-able) |
Start sweeping with broom | cleaners@startSweepingWithBroom.fbx | Cleaner start sweeping with a broom |
Stop sweeping with broom | cleaners@stopSweepingWithBroom.fbx | Cleaner stops sweeping with a broom |
Sweat sweeping | cleaners@sweatSweep.fbx | Sweaps sweat from forehead while holding a broom |
Sweeping with broom | cleaners@sweepingWithBroom.fbx | Sweaps floor with a broom (loopable) |
Sweeping with a wiper | cleaners@wipingWithWiper.fbx | Sweaps floor with a wiper (loopable) |
Cheking a clipboard | hospital_staff@checkingClipboard.fbx | Cheking information from a clipboard |
Pricking with a syringe | hospital_staff@prickWithSyringe.fbx | Doctor pricking with a syringe while standing |
Surgery with a scalpel | hospital_staff@surgeryWithScalpel.fbx | Doctor doing a surgery with a scalpel (loopable part in it) |
Temperature check with infrared | hospital_staff@temperatureCheckWithInfrared.fbx | Doctor checking temperature with an infrared thermometer |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_side_sideways_horizontal.fbx | Character holds an item sideways horizontal (like a basket) |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_front_sideways.FBX | Character holds item front sideways (e.g. Flashlight) |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_front_stable_upwards.FBX | Character holds item front casually front (e.g. Mug) |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_front_front_up.FBX | Character holds item front casually front (e.g. Mug) |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_front_front_upwards_FBX | Character holds item front palm up (e.g. Compass) |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_front_front_up_relaxed.FBX | Character holds item front relaxed in upwards angle |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_front_side_sideways.FBX | Character holds item side (e.g. Large flashlight) |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_side_sideways.FBX | Character holds item side (e.g. Large flashlight) |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_side_sideways_relaxed.FBX | Character holds item casually side |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_side_sideways_wide.FBX | Character holds item casually side |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_up_downwards.FBX | Character holds item upside down (e.g. Old oil lamp) |
Item holding position | itempack@holding_with_both_hands.FBX | Character holds item front with both hands (e.g. Small box) |
Holding a shoulder bag | office@pose_WomensShoulderBag.FBX | Character holding a shoulder bag having one hand on it |
Aim | ||
Pistol aim | military@pistol_aim_0_ver2 | Character aims pistol directly straight while standing |
Pistol aim | military@pistol_aim_minus45_ver2 | Character aims pistol 45 degree down while standing |
Pistol aim | military@pistol_aim_minus90_ver2 | Character aims pistol directly down while standing |
Pistol aim | military@pistol_aim_plus45_ver2 | Character aims pistol 45 degree up while standig |
Pistol aim | military@pistol_aim_plus90_ver2 | Character aims pistol directly up while standing |
Pistol aim | military@crouch_pistol_aim_0_v2.FBX | Character aims pistol directly straight while crouching |
Pistol aim | military@crouch_pistol_aim_minus45_v2.FBX | Character aims pistol 45 degree down while crouching |
Pistol aim | military@crouch_pistol_aim_minus90_v2.FBX | Character aims pistol directly down while crouching |
Pistol aim | military@crouch_pistol_aim_plus45_v2.FBX | Character aims pistol 45 degree up while crouching |
Pistol aim | military@crouch_pistol_aim_plus90_v2.FBX | Character aims pistol directly up while crouching |
Pistol aim | zombie@prone_withPistol.FBX | Character aims pistol straight while prone |
Pistol aim | zombie@proneAimUp45_withPistol.FBX | Character aims pistol 45 degree up while prone |
Rifle aim | military@rifle_aim_0_ver3.FBX | Chracter aims rifle directly straight while standing |
Rifle aim | military@rifle_aim_minus45_ver3.FBX | Character aims rifle 45 degree down while standing |
Rifle aim | military@rifle_aim_minus90_ver3.FBX | Character aims rifle down while standing |
Rifle aim | military@rifle_aim_plus45_ver4.FBX | Character aims rifle 45 degree up while standig |
Rifle aim | military@rifle_aim_plus90_ver3.FBX | Character aims pistol directly up while standing |
Rifle aim | military@crouch_rifle_aim_0_v2.FBX | Chracter aims rifle directly straight while crouching |
Rifle aim | military@crouch_rifle_aim_minus45_v2.FBX | Character aims rifle 45 degree down while crouching |
Rifle aim | military@crouch_rifle_aim_minus90_v2.FBX | Character aims rifle down while crouching |
Rifle aim | military@crouch_rifle_aim_plus45_v2.FBX | Character aims rifle 45 degree up while crouching |
Rifle aim | military@crouch_rifle_aim_plus90_v2.FBX | Character aims pistol directly up while crouching |
Rifle aim | zombie@prone_rifle_Aim0.FBX | Chracter aims rifle directly straight while prone |
Rifle aim | zombie@proneAimUp45.FBX | Chracter aims rifle 45 degree up while prone |
Sniper rifle aim | zombie@crouchAimDown45.FBX | Character aims sniper rifle 45 degree down while crouching |
Sniper rifle aim | zombie@crouchAimDown90.FBX | Character aims sniper rifle down while crouching |
Sniper rifle aim | zombie@crouchAimUp45.FBX | Character aims sniper rifle 45 degree up while crouching |
Sniper rifle aim | zombie@crouchAimUp90.FBX | Character aims sniper rifle directly up while crouching |
Bow and arrow aim | fantasy@holding_Bow_Ver3.FBX | Character holds bow while standing |
Bow and arrow aim | fantasy@holding_Bow_crouch.FBX | Character holds bow while coruching |
Axe aim | fantasy@holding_DualAxes_Ver2.FBX | Character holds two axes while standing |
Axe aim | fantasy@holding_DualAxes_crouch.FBX | Character holds two axes while crouching |
Knife aim | fantasy@holding_DualKnifes_Ver2.FBX | Character holds two knifes while standing |
Knife aim | fantasy@holding_DualKnifes_crouch.FBX | Character holds two knifes while crouching |
Spear aim | fantasy@holding_Spear_Ver2.FBX | Character holds a spear while standing |
Spear aim | fantasy@holding_Spear_crouch.FBX | Character holds a spear while crouching |
Magic staff aim | fantasy@holding_Staff_Ver2.FBX | Character holds a magic staff while standing |
Magic staff aim | fantasy@holding_Staff_crouch.FBX | Character holds a magic staff while crouching |
Sword and shield aim | fantasy@holding_SwordAndShield_Ver2.FBX | Character holds a sword and shield while standing |
Sword and shield aim | fantasy@holding_SwordAndShield_crouch.FBX | Character holds a sword and shield while crouching |
Unarmed aim | fantasy@holding_Unarmed_Ver2.FBX | Character holds two fist ready to fight while standing |
Unarmed aim | fantasy@holding_Unarmed_crouch.FBX | Character holds two fist ready to fight while crouching |
Attack / Defence | ||
Pistol fire | military@pistol_fire_0 | Charcter shoots with a pistol straight while standing |
Pistol fire | military@pistol_fire_minus45.FBX | Shoots with a pistol in 45 degree angle down while standing |
Pistol fire | military@pistol_fire_minus90.FBX | Shoots with a pistol in 90 degree angle down while standing |
Pistol fire | military@pistol_fire_plus45.FBX | Shoots with a pistol in 45 degree angle up while standing |
Pistol fire | military@pistol_fire_plus90.FBX | Shoots with a pistol in 45 degree angle up while standing |
Pistol fire | military@crouch_pistol_fire_0.FBX | Shoots with a pistol in 45 degree angle up while crouching |
Pistol fire | military@crouch_pistol_fire_minus45.FBX | Shoots with pistol in 45 degree angle down while crouching |
Pistol fire | military@crouch_pistol_fire_minus90.FBX | Shoots with pistol in 90 degree angle down while crouching |
Pistol fire | military@crouch_pistol_fire_plus45.FBX | Shoots with a pistol in 45 degree angle up while crouching |
Pistol fire | military@crouch_pistol_fire_plus90.FBX | Shoots with a pistol in 90 degree angle up while crouching |
Pistol fire | zombie@prone_pistol_shoot.FBX | Charcter shoots with a pistol straight while prone |
Pistol fire | zombie@prone_pistol_shoot_AimUp45.FBX | Shoots with a pistol in 45 degree angle up while prone |
Rifle fire | military@rifle_fire_0.FBX | Charcter shoots with a rifle straight while standing |
Rifle fire | military@rifle_fire_minus45.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 45 degree angle down while standing |
Rifle fire | military@rifle_fire_minus90.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 90 degree angle down while standing |
Rifle fire | military@rifle_fire_plus45.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 45 degree angle up while standing |
Rifle fire | military@rifle_fire_plus90.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 45 degree angle up while standing |
Rifle fire | zombie@prone_rifle_shoot_Aim0.FBX | Charcter shoots with a rifle straightwhile prone |
Rifle fire | zombie@prone_rifle_shoot_AimUp45.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 45 degree angle up while prone |
Rifle fire | military@crouch_rifle_fire_0.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 45 degree angle up while crouching |
Rifle fire | military@crouch_rifle_fire_minus45.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 45 degree angle down while crouching |
Rifle fire | military@crouch_rifle_fire_minus90.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 90 degree angle down while crouching |
Rifle fire | military@crouch_rifle_fire_plus45.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 45 degree angle up while crouching |
Rifle fire | military@crouch_rifle_fire_plus90.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 90 degree angle up while crouching |
Sniper rifle fire | military@sniper_fire_0.FBX | Charcter shoots with a sniper rifle straight while standing |
Sniper rifle fire | military@sniper_fire_minus45.FBX | Shoots with a sniper rifle in 45 degree down while standing |
Sniper rifle fire | military@sniper_fire_minus90.FBX | Shoots with a sniper rifle in 90 degree down while standing |
Sniper rifle fire | military@sniper_fire_plus45.FBX | Shoots with a sniper rifle in 45 degree up while standing |
Sniper rifle fire | military@sniper_fire_plus90.FBX | Shoots with a sniper rifle in 45 degree up while standing |
Sniper rifle fire | military@crouch_sniper_fire_0.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 45 degree up while crouching |
Sniper rifle fire | military@crouch_sniper_fire_minus45.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 45 degree angle down while crouching |
Sniper rifle fire | military@crouch_sniper_fire_minus90.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 90 degree angle down while crouching |
Sniper rifle fire | military@crouch_sniper_fire_plus45.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 45 degree angle up while crouching |
Sniper rifle fire | military@crouch_sniper_fire_plus90.FBX | Shoots with a rifle in 90 degree angle up while crouching |
Bow and arrow fire |
Shoots an arrow with a bow and "reloads" while standing |
Bow and arrow fire |
Shoots an arrow with a bow and "reloads" while crouching |
Axe attack | fantasy@attack_DualAxes_Chops_Ver2.FBX | Character attacks with two axes while standing |
Axe attack | fantasy@attack_DualAxes_Chops_crouch.FBX | Character attacks with two axes while crouching |
Axe attack | fantasy@attack_DualAxes_DualChop.FBX | Character attacks with two axes while standing |
Axe attack | fantasy@attack_DualAxes_SingleChop.FBX | Character attacks with an axe while standing |
Axe attack |
Character attacks with an axe while crouching |
Knife attack | fantasy@attack_DualKnives_Piercings.FBX | Chracater attacks with two knives while standing |
Knife attack |
Chracater attacks with two knives while crouching |
Knife attack | fantasy@attack_DualKnives_SinglePierce.FBX | Chracater attacks with two knives and standing |
Knife attack | fantasy@attack_DualKnives_Slash.FBX | Chracater attacks with two knives while standing |
Spear attack | fantasy@attack_Spear_Thrust_Ver2.FBX | Character attacks with a spear while standing |
Spear attack | fantasy@attack_Spear_Thrust_crouch.FBX | Character attacks with a spear while crouching |
Staff magic attack |
Character pulls arms front for magical attack while standind |
Staff magic attack |
Character pulls arms front for magical attack while crouching |
Staff magic attack | fantasy@attack_Staff_casting_Summon.FBX | Character waves arms in fashion of summon while standing |
Sword and shield attack | fantasy@attack_SwordAndShield_Chop.FBX | Character attacks with a sword while holding a shield |
Sword and shield attack |
Character attacks with a sword while holding a shield |
Sword and shield attack |
Character attacks with a sword while holding a shield |
Sword and shield attack | fantasy@attack_SwordAndShield_Slash.FBX | Character attacks with a sword while holding a shield |
Sword and shield attack | fantasy@attack_SwordAndShield_Thrust.FBX | Character attacks with a sword while holding a shield |
Sword and shield attack |
Attack with a sword while holding a shield and crouching |
Unarmed attack |
Character punches while standing |
Unarmed attack | fantasy@attack_Unarmed_SinglePunch.FBX | Character punches while standing |
Unarmed attack |
Character punches while crouching |
Sword and shield attack | fantasy@defence_SwordAndShield_Block.FBX | Character blocks an attack while holding a shield |
Zombie style attack | zombie@zombie_attack.FBX | Zombie character attacks zombie style while standig |
Zombie style attack | zombie@zombie_prone_attack.FBX | Zombie character attacks zombie style while prone |
Taking hit/Death | ||
Taking hit | military@taking_hit1_with-rifle.FBX | Character takes a hit while holding a rifle |
Taking hit | military@taking_hit2_with-rifle.FBX | Character takes a hit while holding a rifle |
Death | military@death1.FBX | Character with a rifle takes a fatal hit while standing |
Death | military@death2.FBX | Character with a rifle takes a fatal hit while standing |
Death | military@death3.FBX | Character with a rifle takes a fatal hit while standing |
Death | military@death_crouch.FBX | Character takes a fatal hit while crouching |
Zombie type death | zombie@prone_death1.FBX | Character takes a fatal hit while prone |
Zombie type death | zombie@zombie_death_standing.FBX | Zombie character takes a fatal hit while standing |
Arming | ||
Arming with bow and arrow
fantasy@arming_bow.FBX | Character pulls out bow and arrow |
Arming with axes | fantasy@arming_dual_axes.FBX | Character pulls out two axes |
Arming with knives | fantasy@arming_dual_knives.FBX | Character pulls out two knives |
Arming with staff | fantasy@arming_mage_staff.FBX | Character pulls out a magic staff |
Arming with spear | fantasy@arming_spear.FBX | Character pulls out a spear |
Arming with sword and shield
fantasy@arming_sword_and_shield.FBX | Character pulls out a sword and a shield |
Raising fists | fantasy@arming_unarmed_fast.FBX | Character prepares for a fist fight |
Raising fists | fantasy@arming_unarmed_slowly.FBX | Character prepares for a fist fight |
Reload | ||
Pistol reload | military@crouch_pistol_reload.FBX | Character reloads pistol while crouching |
Pistol reload | military@pistol_reload_ver3.FBX | Character reloads pistol while standing |
Pistol reload | zombie@prone_pistol_reload.FBX | Character reloads pistol while prone |
Rifle reload | military@rifle_reload_ver3.FBX | Character reloads rifle while standing |
Rifle reload | military@crouch_rifle_reload.FBX | Character reloads rifle while crouching |
Rifle reload | zombie@prone_rifle_reload.FBX | Character reloads rifle while prone |
Movement | ||
Human movement | common_people@idle.FBX | Character stands idling |
Human movement | military@idle.FBX | Character stands idling |
Human movement | zombie@crouchIdle.FBX | Character idles with rifle while crouching |
Human movement | common_people@run.FBX | Character runs |
Human movement | military@backwards_run_withWeapon.FBX | Character runs backwards |
Human movement | military@run_withWeapon.FBX | Character runs |
Human movement | common_people@backwards-run.FBX | Character runs directly backwards |
Human movement | common_people@walk.FBX | Character walks |
Human movement | common_people@backwards-walk.FBX | Character walks directly backwards |
Human movement | military@backwards_walk_withWeapon.FBX | Character walks backwards |
Human movement | common_people@jump-up.FBX | Character jumps up |
Human movement | common_people@jump-float.FBX | Character floats after jump |
Human movement | common_people@jump-down.FBX | Character lands after floating/jump |
Human movement | military@walk_withWeapon.FBX | Character walks |
Human movement | military@walk_strafe_left.FBX | Character strafes left with casual speed |
Human movement | military@walk_strafe_left_withWeapon.FBX | Character strafes left with rifle with casual speed |
Human movement | military@walk_diagonal_back_left.FBX | Character strafes diagonally back with casual speed |
Human movement |
Character strafes diagonally back with casual speed |
Human movement | military@walk_diagonal_front_left_NEXT.FBX | Character walks diagonally forward with casual speed |
Human movement |
Character walks diagonally forward with casual speed |
Human movement | military@strafe_left.FBX | Character strafes left while running |
Human movement | military@run_diagonal_back_left_NEXT.FBX | Character runs diagonally backwards |
Human movement |
Character runs diagonally backwards |
Human movement | military@run_diagonal_front_left.FBX | Character runs diagonally forwards |
Human movement |
Character runs diagonally forwards |
Human movement | military@walk_strafe_right_NEXT.FBX | Character strafes right |
Human movement | military@walk_strafe_right_withWeapon.FBX | Character strafes right |
Human movement | military@run_strafe_left_withWeapon.FBX | Character strafes left while running |
Human movement | military@run_strafe_right_NEXT.FBX | Character strafes right while running |
Human movement | military@run_strafe_right_withWeapon.FBX | Character strafes right while running |
Human movement | military@walk_diagonal_back_right_NEXT.FBX | Character strafes diagonally back with casual speed |
Human movement |
Character strafes diagonally back with casual speed |
Human movement | military@walk_diagonal_front_right.FBX | Character walks diagonally forward with casual speed |
Human movement |
Character walks diagonally forward with casual speed |
Human movement | military@run_diagonal_back_right_NEXT.FBX | Character runs diagonally backwards |
Human movement |
Character runs diagonally backwards |
Human movement | military@run_diagonal_front_right_NEXT.FBX | Character runs diagonally forwards |
Human movement |
Character runs diagonally forwards |
Human movement | zombie@noWeapon_proneBackwards.FBX | Character moves backwards while prone |
Human movement | zombie@noWeapon_proneBackwardsLeft.FBX | Character moves diagonally backwards while prone |
Human movement | zombie@noWeapon_proneBackwardsRight.FBX | Character moves diagonally backwards while prone |
Human movement | zombie@noWeapon_proneDiagonalLeft.FBX | Character moves diagonally sideways while prone |
Human movement | zombie@noWeapon_proneDiagonalRight.FBX | Character moves diagonally sideways while prone |
Human movement | zombie@noWeapon_proneForward.FBX | Character prones forwards |
Human movement | zombie@noWeapon_proneIdle.FBX | Character idles while prone |
Human movement | zombie@noWeapon_proneLeft.FBX | Character prones left |
Human movement | zombie@noWeapon_proneRight.FBX | Character prones right |
Human movement transition
zombie@noWeapon_crouchToProne.FBX | Character lowers from crouch to prone |
Human movement transition
zombie@noWeapon_proneToCrouch.FBX | Character rises from prone to crouch |
Human movement | zombie@crouchWalkBackLeft.FBX | Moves diagonally backwards with rifle while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchWalkBackRight.FBX | Moves diagonally backwards with rifle while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchWalkBackwards.FBX | Character moves backwards with rifle while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchWalkDiagonalLeft.FBX | Moves diagonally forward with rifle while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchWalkDiagonalRight.FBX | Moves diagonally forward with rifle while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchWalkForward.FBX | Character moves forwards with rifle while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchWalkLeft.FBX | Character strafe left with rifle while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchWalkRight.FBX | Character strafe right with rifle while crouching |
Human movement |
Character moves diagonally backwards while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchBackwardsLeft_noWeapon.FBX | Character moves diagonally backwards while crouching |
Human movement |
Character moves diagonally backwards while crouching |
Human movement |
Character moves diagonally backwards while crouching |
Human movement | military@crouchBackwards_noWeapon.FBX | Character moves backwards while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchBackwards_noWeapon.FBX | Character moves backwards while crouching |
Human movement |
Character moves diagonally forwards while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchDiagonalLeft_noWeapon.FBX | Character moves diagonally forwards while crouching |
Human movement |
Character moves diagonally forwards while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchDiagonalRight_noWeapon.FBX | Character moves diagonally forwards while crouching |
Human movement | military@crouchForward_noWeapon.FBX | Character moves forwards while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchForward_noWeapon.FBX | Character moves forwards with rifle while crouching |
Human movement | military@crouchIdle_noWeapon.FBX | Character idles while crouching |
Human movement | military@crouchIdle_noWeapon_v2.FBX | Character idles while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchIdle_noWeapon.FBX | Character idles while crouching |
Human movement |
Character moves diagonally backwards while crouching |
Human movement |
Character moves forward while crouching |
Human movement | military@crouchWalkLeft_noWeapon_v2.FBX | Character strafes left while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchWalkLeft_noWeapon.FBX | Character strafes left while crouching |
Human movement | military@crouchWalkRight_noWeapon_v2.FBX | Character strafes right while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@crouchWalkRight_noWeapon.FBX | Character moves right while crouching |
Human movement | zombie@proneBackwards.FBX | Character moves backwards with rifle while prone |
Human movement | zombie@proneBackwardsDiagonalLeft.FBX | Moves diagonally backwards with rifle while prone |
Human movement | zombie@proneBackwardsDiagonalRight.FBX | Moves diagonally backwards with rifle while prone |
Human movement | zombie@proneDiagonalLeft.FBX | Moves diagonally forwards with rifle while prone |
Human movement | zombie@proneDiagonalRight.FBX | Character moves diagonally forwards with rifle while prone |
Human movement | zombie@proneForward.FBX | Character moves forwards with rifle while prone |
Human movement | zombie@proneIdle.FBX | Character prone with rifle and idles |
Human movement | zombie@proneLeft.FBX | Character moves left with rifle while prone |
Human movement | zombie@proneRight.FBX | Character moves right with rifle while prone |
Human movement transition
zombie@stand_to_prone.FBX | Character moves standing position to prone with rifle |
Human movement transition
zombie@prone_to_stand.FBX | Character moves from prone position to stand with rifle |
Human movement transition
zombie@crouch_to_prone_with_pistol.FBX | Character lowers from crouch position to prone with pistol |
Human movement transition
zombie@crouch_to_prone_with_rifle.FBX | Character lowers from crouch position to prone with rifle |
Human movement transition
zombie@prone_to_crouch_with_pistol.FBX | Character rises from prone to crouch with pistol |
Human movement transition
zombie@prone_to_crouch_with_rifle.FBX | Character rises from prone to crouch with rifle |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_idle.FBX | Zombie character idles standing. |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_walk_backwards.FBX | Zombie character walks clumsily backwards |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_walk_BL.FBX | Zombie character walks clumsily diagonally backwards (left) |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_walk_BR.FBX | Zombie character walks clumsily diagonally backwards (right) |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_walk_FL.FBX | Zombie character walks clumsily diagonally forward (left) |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_walk_FR.FBX | Zombie character walks clumsily diagonally forward (right) |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_walk_forward.FBX | Zombie character walks clumsily forward |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_walk_left.FBX | Zombie character strafes left clumsily |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_walk_right.FBX | Zombie character strafes right clumsily |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_prone_backwards.FBX | Zombie character moves backwards while prone |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_prone_BL.FBX | Zombie type moving diagonally backwards while prone (left) |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_prone_BR.FBX | Zombie moving diagonally backwards while prone (right) |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_prone_FL.FBX | Zombie type moving diagonally forwards while prone (left) |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_prone_FR.FBX | Zombie type moving diagonally forwards while prone (right) |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_prone_forward.FBX | Zombie character moves forwards while prone |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_prone_Idle.FBX | Zombie character idles while prone |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_prone_Left.FBX | Zombie character strafes left while prone |
Zombie type movement | zombie@zombie_prone_Right.FBX | Zombie character strafes right while prone |
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